Hello, I am Isaac Hermel Reginato 👋
Software Developer with experience in multiple segments. Specialized in structuring and documenting development processes.
In early 2022, I started my career as a software developer. Since then, I've worked with various companies and clients, leading and technically collaborating in teams and projects such as UHost. Currently, I'm at Zenvia, technically leading my team in creating new features for Zenvia Customer Cloud.
Technical and organizational expertise that I use in my work.
- React
- Next
- Vue
- Node
- Nest
- Jest
- Flask
- Python
- TypeScript
- Docker
- Scrum
- Kanban
- Code Documentation
- Technical Research
- Portuguese
- English
Products and platforms that I led and/or collaborated on their creation.
- Zenvia Customer Cloud
ZCC is an omnichannel communication platform that helps companies connect with their customers, offering features like chatbots, mass message sending, and much more.
ReactVueNestStencilSingle SPADocker - H3 Lint
A complete guide to configure your project with my favorite ESLint and Prettier configurations using frameworks like React, Next.js, and Vue.
ESLintPrettierTypeScriptReactNextVue - Code Hub
Collection of projects I created and developed to learn, study, and test new technologies, design patterns, and methodologies, and of course, share knowledge.